gregsbrain LLC is a new modular company based in Portland, Oregon currently shipping our first commercial Eurorack module. xVox is a four-voice real-time pitch shifter. The module is 17HP wide with a 1.5-inch diagonal 128x128 pixel RGB OLED display. There are color-coded volt-per-octave and trigger inputs for each of the four voices. Six CV inputs, two of which are knobs, can be assigned to perform various modulation functions. xVox is available as a DIY kit and as a VCV Rack plugin, there are also a few assembled modules currently available.
xVox features Front panel
All the sounds on this video, including the introduction and closing clips were made with just xVox and Mutable Instruments Plaits. There are no effects.
This is the lastest xVox quick start guide and the complete user manual.
The first batch of xVox DIY kits (and a few assembled modules) are now available at It is a fairly easy all through-hole build. These are the build instructions. |
This is the complete kit.
This is the link to the VCV Rack plugin
Below is a download link for some VCV Rack patches to get started with: rand1.vcv produces a quite musical random chord progression with some drop chords thrown in for a little variation. midipoly4.vcv works with an external MIDI keyboard or other MIDI source and lets you play 4 note chords from a single voice.